The Henan Zhengzhou Mining Machinery Co., Ltd. completed the 600 tons of lime production line project in just 44 days!
Create miracles and witnessmiracles!
On April 17th, 2018, ZK CORPsigned a contract with the customer for a 600t/day lime production line. Inresponse to customer demand, it is planned to have ignition conditions for 100days. Before June 15, the three major mainframes are to be installed.
On May 30, 2018, after morethan one month of intense and orderly provisioning, manufacturing, and shippingpreparations, the customer's 600-ton lime production line equipment was fullylifted. However, such projects generally take six months to complete in theindustry. The ZK CORP only used 44 days, created the ZK CORP speed, alsocreated a miracle in the industry!
The scenes of the rotary kiln,preheater, large-tonnage crane and other scenes are particularly beautifulagainst the background of the sunset. The creation of miracles was achievedstep by step in the plan of the ZK CORP!
Thanks the customers for thegood construction conditions that we have created. Thanks to all the colleaguesof the ZK CORP for their concerted efforts and thanks to the hard work of the50 colleagues at ZK CORP! We continue to refuel and strive to create a miraclein the industry!
We create miracles and witnessmiracles!